Enrolling at Advance College

Read below for information on our enrolment process.
To be eligible young people must be aged between 15 and 19 years old and ready to complete secondary school, however would benefit from an alternative education setting.
Many of our students have had gaps in their education, that’s why when young people are ready to commit, we want to meet them; prospective students can enrol at any time throughout the year.

Enrolment Process

​Please read the following:

Firstly, please complete the enrolment enquiry form below or contact your preferred campus.
Once we receive your enquiry, our enrolment staff will contact you to arrange an interview.

During this time we will discuss what Advance College has to offer and answer any questions you may have.

After attending the initial interview and if the eligibility criteria is met, you will receive enrolment paperwork to complete and return. When returning this paperwork you must include your last school report and identification documents including:

  • Medicare Card
  • Concession Card (Health Care/Pensioner Card)
  • Photo ID
  • Birth Certificate

Please note: Due to keeping class sizes small, at various times throughout the year, our campuses may be at capacity. However, we keep a regularly updated wait list, to help get you on board as soon as possible.


Advance College strives to make education accessible for all young people, ensuring that paying school fees is not an additional burden. Our fully inclusive fees are $250 per year. If the family holds a concession card, this fee drops to $50. Payment plans are available upon request.

*extenuating circumstance applications received after this date may be considered.

VPC students are encouraged to apply at any time during the year

Enrolment Enquiry

    Student Name*



    Student Date of Birth*

    Student Mobile Number

    Use format: DD/MM/YYYY


    Student Full Address*

    Include: Street, Suburb, Postcode

    Last School Attended*

    Current Year Level*

    Referring School/Contact Name

    Parent/Caregiver Name*



    Parent/Caregiver Contact Number*

    Additional Contact Number

    Parent/Caregiver Email Address*

    Interested in*

    Victorian Pathways Certificate - VPCVCE - Vocational Major - VCE-VM Units 1 & 2 (Year 11)VCE - Vocational Major - VCE-VM Units 3 & 4 (Year 12)

    Preferred Campus*


    Any further information that may be relevant*

    Please include information regarding reason for referral.